
开云app新闻 > 开云app-切实行动:Mammut以革命性CO2去除计划助力气候改善

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  • 瑞士塞翁和丹麦哥本哈根2024年10月23日/美通社/ --在一项首创性合作中,Mammut、Klimate、ARC、Bofort和Carbonaide推出了一个关在二氧化碳(CO2)去除和其在混凝土中贮存的尖端项目,标记着在应对天气转变方面获得了重猛进展。这一打算获得了世界级爬山家Adam Ondra的撑持。

    Mads Emil Dalsgaard, Co-CEO of Klimate, was a reliable partner in the project as well as in belaying Adam Ondra during his climb. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)Mads Emil Dalsgaard, Co-CEO of Klimate, was a reliable partner in the project as well as in belaying Adam Ondra during his climb. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

    作为一家依靠无缺天然情况的户外活动品牌,Mammut在两重任务间追求均衡:一方面,供给耐用设备,让户外快乐喜爱者能在山野间享受不凡体验;另外一方面,庇护他们免受卑劣气候和不测危险的要挟。 但是,这些产物在全部出产进程中城市发生排放。Mammut遵守其大志勃勃的减排计谋"尽我所能,余者皆除"(Do Our Best, Remove the Rest),方针是到2030年将排放量削减一半,到2050年实现净零排放。

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    虽然采取了立异除碳和贮存工艺,Mammut的首要方针依然是削减其排放量。 正如Mammut企业责任负责人Tobias Steinegger所说:"经由过程这一合作,我们旨在实现碳去除的具体功效,并鼓动勉励其他公司在显著下降碳萍踪后,进一步消弭残剩排放。"

    Klimate结合首席履行官Mads Emil Dalsgaard暗示:"这家工场只是一个最先,这项投资为将来的扩大和成长摊平了道路。Klimate很是高傲能取得Mammut和Adam Ondra的撑持,配合鞭策这一项目成为实际。"

    Adam Ondra的攀缘之路:许诺的意味

    该打算的视觉展现以屡次世界冠军和奥运选手Adam Ondra攀缘哥本哈根CopenHill外部的人工岩壁为特点,CopenHill是全球最高的此类举措措施之一。 此次意味性的攀缘不但突显了活动员所降服的身体挑战,也强调了体育界对情况责任的许诺。

    --> 有关该项目标更多信息:

    ARC in Copenhagen captures up to 4 tons of CO2 daily which is eventually being integrated by Carbonaide into their sustainable concrete production process. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)ARC in Copenhagen captures up to 4 tons of CO2 daily which is eventually being integrated by Carbonaide into their sustainable concrete production process. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

    This symbolic climb not only highlights the physical challenges overcome by athletes but also underscores the commitment to environmental stewardship within the sporting community. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)This symbolic climb not only highlights the physical challenges overcome by athletes but also underscores the commitment to environmental stewardship within the sporting community. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

    The artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill is one of the tallest of its kind globally. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)The artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill is one of the tallest of its kind globally. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

    Adam Ondra’s ascent on the exterior of CopenHill: a symbol of commitment to sustainability.(©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)Adam Ondra’s ascent on the exterior of CopenHill: a symbol of commitment to sustainability.(©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)

    The initiative’s visual representation features multiple-time World Champion and Olympian Adam Ondra climbing the artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)The initiative’s visual representation features multiple-time World Champion and Olympian Adam Ondra climbing the artificial route on the exterior of CopenHill. (©Petr Chodura / Mammut Sports Group AG)


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